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Successful BWCE Award to Henstridge Village Hall, Somerset
Wednesday, 2 January, 2019
BWCE award £3,000 to Henstridge Village Hall to upgrade their Heating system
Posted in Updates
Following our correspondence to members based in Somerset at the end of October when we invited applications for up to £5,000 for projects either to reduce carbon footprint or for the relief of fuel poverty from Bath & West Community Energy (BWCE), we are pleased to provide the following update. Trustees had two applications from projects in South Somerset, from Henstridge Village Hall and from Merriott Village Hall. Unfortunately, Merriott asked for funding to upgrade their electricity supply to three phase, this was something that trustees didn’t feel really fell within the fund guidelines around reducing carbon emissions and alleviating fuel poverty. Henstridge asked for £5k to upgrade their heating system and trustees awarded them £3k. They really liked their application with evidence that they had already completed insulation works. BWCE reported that there was a high number of applications to the fund this year, so SSCES (in partnership with BWCE) are pleased to report on this local success.